Wool and Water.Animation. Duration: 3:21
We are profoundly interested in representation problems and in the organization of space and time structures.
We are researching through video on the possible transformations of the classic narrative structure and on the multiple ways of telling stories. Our research finds inspiration into science, art, figurative painting and avant-garde literature.
Our images and excerpts are always shown into an intellectual context that the audience must discover. The context differs in each of our work, on the basis of different organization principles of the work of art. The world of expression assumes a precise form in our work. We start from an idea, a rare and high idea that evolves into something fantastic. Fantastic does not necessarily mean folkloric, but a sophisticated intellectual adventure with philosophical and metaphysical ambitions. The worlds represented in our stories have nothing to do with everyday life. They are like alternative worlds with their own rules, rigid and mysterious at the same time. This is the reason why the symbols that we prefer are images reflected in a mirror game. Our game is a mind game, our narration never gives the impression of the pure intellectual divertissement; instead, each work is a conceptual effort, a “high” vision of the world different from the world that we know, in order to amplify as much as possible our intellectual capabilities.